Thursday, January 19, 2012

9 days till departure

So, here we are, 9 days out, and I am finally getting this blog up and running. I am hoping I can actually update it daily while we are traveling, but if you know me at all, then you know that I may not be so great about it....haha. But, I will try my best. I know there are many of you who love our Mei and want to follow this journey with us. The big kids are so excited to travel to China for the first time. We love China so much - the people, the culture, the food....all of it. Leaving 3 of my treasures at home hurts my heart, but I know it's just a temporary separation. The benefit of giving my kids another precious sibling is well worth the 2 weeks we will spend apart.
Packing is nearly done. Still need to get some meds from the pharmacy. I have tons of paperwork to copy. Jef has been to the bank and wired over the money for the orphanage fee and also to our travel agency, CWTS. I don't feel stresed or anxious at all. Just happy that Mei (soon Marin Yang Mei) will be in my arms in just 10 days. That beautiful smile, those kissable cheeks, her giggly laugh (I know from a pretty reliable source that it is the best laugh EVER ;) ) Other than that there are a few people I will miss horribly, I am over the moon excited to be leaving next week! Exact itinerary to follow in next post.

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