Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 2 Update

Another great day! Marin YangMei continues to amaze us with her care-free spirit. To all of you who have said how much she resembles Kyle, well, guess what? She acts like him too! They are super silly together, laughing and chasing each other non-stop.

This morning, we all slept in too late. We were suppose to be up to meet our guide to head over to the registration office. We must be catching up on sleep because we were all sound asleep until Kyle got up at 8:45 am. We had to call our guide and beg for an extra 15 minutes, and he graciously gave it to us. So, as I pulled out clothes for Marin to wear, she was getting into the shower. I tried to explain, no shower right now....and before I knew it she was in the shower area naked waiting for me to get the water right for her. I guess she really wanted a shower! Everyone else got dressed, and we rushed down to breakfast. The girl can eat! She does not like rice, but loves noodles and fruit. It was a mad rush to finish up and get to our guide. We were still 5 minutes late, but that's not bad for us :)

We headed over to the registration office, where we finalized our adoption. This is actually a big step, because this is the point in the process that Marin was allowed to confirm that she wanted to be with us. Thankfully, she did. I do think she thinks I am a bit crazy...haha. Wait till we get home and I start talking to her in weird accents and singing opera in the kitchen :)

She does seem very, very happy. She lets me hold her hand and kiss her and hug her as much as I want. She doesn't talk much, but laughs a lot! Our guide talks to her quite a bit when he is with us and it is during that time that we get to ask her questions and tell her things about us.

When we got back to the hotel, we went through all of the things she brought with her. Most of the items were things I had sent to her while we were waiting, none of it touched. She also had been given a journal with letters from her aunties, teacher, and friends. Our guide translated it for us. It was touching to hear them all saying good bye and wishing her well in her new life. I am sure she will be missing them once all of this newness wears off.

We then went walking around the hotel grounds. There are hundreds of huge koi in the water throughout the garden area, and we fed them for about an hour (with bread we took from the breakfast buffet :)). They were all swimming on top of each other, and the kids were able to pet them. Kyle and Marin were even putting the food directly into their mouths. They had a blast!

By then, it was late afternoon and we decided to go into another shopping area to let Marin look around. She really just takes it in, without much of a reaction. It is all so new to her. She has never been anywhere like this and it must be so much to digest at one time.

Have a great day everyone! It is almost our night time! Love to all from Guangzhou. Pictures to follow in a separate post.

Landon, Kara, and Paige,  Mommy loves you so much! I got you some fun little things today! I can't wait to be able to talk to you. I miss you so, so, so much! Kara, I hope you are doing well in school. We are going to bring back some Chinese candy for you to share with your class. I am taking lots of pictures so you can see what we did the whole time we were here. You guys are awesome! And I am so very proud of  you! I am so lucky to be your mommy! You will love Marin. She is so much fun! xoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. I'm over here crying tears of joy for you guys!!! Heather, the love in your incredible heart is outing through in this post and I am loving every bit... Best love story ever!!!
