Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hello from Guangzhou

Well, after 33 hours of traveling, we made it to Guangzhou! We left the house at 4 am, so we were all really tired by the end of the trek here. Some of us more tired and irritable than others, although I won't mention any names ;)

The flights went really well. Since I am so busy at home, I enjoyed being able to sit for a while without anyone needing anything. It was like sitting in a movie theatre for about 8 hours of the long flight over. I never get to watch movies, and I really enjoyed it! The kids did really well and slept for about 5 hours. They were so exhausted by the time we landed in Hong Kong.

We were met by our guide, Elvin, at the airport, and then we drove to The Garden Hotel. Oh my word. It is the most beautiful hotel I have ever seen! On our previous adoption trip, we stayed at the White Swan, and I must say, this place is 110% nicer. Blogger is not being very nice right now, so my dear friend Mike is posting this update. I will email him pictures later, so you guys can see just how beautiful it is. The Chinese take great pride in their work and surroundings, and everything is just amazing.

Since the Chinese New Year celebrations go through mid February, it is decked out everywhere. It is hard to describe, or even show with pictures, just how beautiful it is. Paper lanterns, light displays, water fountains.....This is their biggest holiday, so you can imagine it is one big party over here.

The kids and I woke up at 5:30. I know we will be paying for it later...haha! But we could not sleep, so now I am going to take them around the hotel, which is really more like a mall....a big, fancy mall with beautiful wood carvings....haha! Hopefully they will be willing to try some new authentic Chinese foods down at breakfast.

Big news of the day is that we get to  meet Marin in 7 hours. My sweet girl. This almost year long process culminates into this amazing day of finally getting to hold her in my arms. I know she must be so anxious right now. Scared, happy, nervous, excited...anticipating what lies ahead, but having no idea how her life is about to change. I am so proud of her for making the choice to be adopted!

The sun is now rising over Guangzhou, so we are going to go find some things to do. I will report back later after Marin is with us. Please pray for her transition. I can't even imagine what she will think when we bring her back to this amazing hotel. She is going to be blown away by the extravagance. Let's hope that she doesn't expect our home to look like this :)

My sweet babies at home, Kara, Landon, and Paige, I love you all so much. I keep seeing things that you would love. Landon, they have little bushes everywhere with thousands of tiny oranges all over them! I know you would be picking them! And Kara, you would love the beauty here. I will be taking lots of pictures to share with you. I hope you are all being good for Mom Mom. xoxoxoxo


  1. I am so excited for you! I am looking forward to more updates and even more so to meet Marin. She is so lucky to have the Zibell's for her new family! Much love to you guys.

    Lisa O'Neil and family

  2. So happy for you Heather! Congrats to you and your family. Awesome awesome ! You probably know this but there is an Italian restaurant on the side of the Garden by the McDonalds that isn't to bad. Hope you have a great trip. I hope you can meet her foster mom or orphanage worker. That was priceless for us. I had to really insist. We still keep in touch. Have fun!!
